- 機械的暗記からの脱却: 大学生を対象とした辞書と日記で深める英語語彙学習
- 歌うことで発音は良くなるか: 閉鎖子音直後の母音挿入改善に関する実験
- ボードゲームはスピーキングの抵抗感を軽減するか: 英語初級学習者に対することば遊びを用いた授業実践
- 聴衆を意識した伝え方指導は高校生のスピーチをどう変えるのか: バーバル・スキルと意識の変化
- Unveiling the Secrets of Motivational English Lessons: Insights from Interviews with Four Experienced Teachers
- 帰国子女ではなくても良い発音はできるのか
- 英語の長文読解の授業から分かる教師の意図: 推論発問を通じて
- 教科書分析から探る「書くことへの抵抗感」の理由
- 大学生の意思決定タスクにおける言語使用の差異に関する検証: FFCとSCMCのモードに着目して
- 公立中学生は否定証拠をどう捉えているのか: 関係代名詞の誤文訂正と質問紙を用いた調査
- 高校生の英語ディベート授業における英語使用の調査: 談話標識と役割に着目して
- 公立中学生のスピーキングテストに対するテスト不安が自己効力感に及ぼす影響: 行為的情報を満たすアドバイスの有無を比較した授業実践
- 文法用語理解と関係代名詞理解の関係: 中学生へのカテゴリーとファンクションの指導実践
- 英語リスニング力を誰もが楽しく向上させられる学習方法はあるだろうか: 大学生を対象とした多聴多読に代わる多視聴の実践研究
- Facilitating Motivation and WTC in Narration Tasks: An English Classroom Practice in Junior High School
- The Analysis of a Lesson with Inclusive Role-Play Activities
- The Impact of Translation Activities on Metalinguistic Awareness: Reading Picture Books
- Reforming of English Pronunciation Teaching in Junior High School: Classroom Based Research from Intelligibility Principle [Master’s thesis]
- An Effective Way to Use a Picture Book for Elementary School Students
- An Analysis of Imitating Drama Method in English Class
- A study of lexical inferencing in English learners
- Exploring Teachers’ Epistemologies and Technologies through the Lens of Activity Theory: Some Cases of English Classrooms and Teacher Training in Japan [Master’s thesis]
Discourse Analysis of English Lessons in Elementary School Based on Dynamic Assessment
The Relations Between an Affinity for Literature and Metaphorical Competence: Statistical Analysis of Undergraduates’ Metaphorical Competence
Consideration of a Positive Atmosphere in Informal Groups: Qualitative Analysis of a Positive Atmosphere and Members Feelings
- How high school teachers use languages in English class: Their intentions on teaching procedure. [Master’s thesis]
- Obstructive Factors for Hearing Reduced Forms in English and its Countermeasures
- Causes of Errors in Use of Be-verbs and General Verbs by junior high school students and an Effective Teaching Method for the Errors
- The Effect of the “Katakana” used Method of English Pronunciation to Japanese English Speakers’ Intelligibility
- The Relation Between the Use of English Movies and Listening Abilities for Elementary School Students
- A qualitative study using an interview with teachers in elementary school focus on teachers’ beliefs for correcting errors
- A practice of repetitive expression on story telling of English picture books for middle graders in elementary school
- A teaching method based on semantic differences between BE and HAVE for junior high school students
- An analysis of metaphorical expressions in English produced by Japanese university students: With an exploration of a new procedure for identifying metaphors
- The effects of silent e instruction based on phonics to elementary school pupils in foreign language activities
- A qualitative study using an interview: What barrier to introduce CLIL in elementary schools in Japan
- A questionnaire survey for cognition of teaching foreign languages at elementary school and cross-cultural understanding for pre-service teachers
- The effective Japanese use of elementary school teachers in English classes based on class room observations and students responses
- Learning English grammatical items with English songs by Japanese English learners
- Thematic structure analysis of Japanese university students’ writing in English
- On the linkage between Foreign Language Activities in elementary schools and the subject English in junior high schools
- A qualitative study using an interview with ALTs in Shizuoka Prefecture: Focus on their perspectives on cooperation with JTEs
- The effective instruction of pronunciation for Japanese learners of English: A comparison between instruction of know-how and imitation methods
- A survey of understanding of requests in textbooks for junior high school students
- Key factors in English grammar comprehension for Japanese learners of EFL: An analysis of L1/L2 language analytic abilities [Master’s thesis]
- Effects of inferential question types on high school students’ thematic inference in English narrative texts [Master’s thesis]
- The influence on motivation by repetition of exercises
- The meaning of all-in-English policy for a private high school student
- Effects and problems on the enforcement of activities based on fonf in English class for junior high school student
- A teaching method based on structural differences of relative pronouns and relative adverbs for high school student
- The effective introduction of vocabulary learning strategies for junior high school EFL learners
- The effects of four-frame cartoon tasks on writing for Japanese EFL learners
- The effects of foreign language activities in elementary schools collaborated with the subject Japanese
- The present conditions of English education in special education for the deaf and suggestions to English education in special education for the deaf
- The effects of using two types of advance organizers on listening comprehension by comparing junior high school students with university students
- The validation of reading comprehension in reading section in TOEIC
- On the consistency between “learning” and “enjoyment” of foreign language activities in elementary schools
- Project-based foreign language activities by using Hi, Friends! In elementary schools
- Analysis of the actual situation of junior high school students on English education
- Education for international understanding in FLA in elementary schools for local community